

Assoz.- Prof. Mag. Dr. Anna Weinzinger, Privatdoz.

room: 2D178

tel: +43 1 4277 55311


Research: Molecular modeling of ion channels

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Anna Weinzinger (photo: Michael Bründl)


Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 60 von 68
Takanari H, Nalos L, Stary-Weinzinger A, de Git KCG, Varkevisser R, Linder T et al. Efficient and specific cardiac IK₁ inhibition by a new pentamidine analogue. Cardiovascular Research. 2013 Jul 1;99(1):203-214. doi: 10.1093/cvr/cvt103

Varkevisser R, Houtman MJC, Linder T, de Git KCG, Beekman HDM, Tidwell RR et al. Structure-activity relationships of pentamidine-affected ion channel trafficking and dofetilide mediated rescue. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2013 Jul;169(6):1322-1334. doi: 10.1111/bph.12208

Saxena P, Erker T, Bauer F, Weinzinger A, Linder T, Hering S et al. Drug Trapping in hERG Channels does not Require Closure of the Activation Gate. Biophysical Journal. 2013 Jan 29;104(2):266A-266A.

Jansen SA, Kleerekooper I, Hofman ZLM, Kappen IFPM, Weinzinger A, van der Heyden MAG. Grayanotoxin Poisoning: 'Mad Honey Disease' and Beyond. Cardiovascular Toxicology. 2012;12(3):208-215. doi: 10.1007/s12012-012-9162-2

Phillips S, Brammer AE, Rodriguez L, Lim HH, Weinzinger A, Matulef K. Surprises from an Unusual CLC Homolog. Biophysical Journal. 2012;103(9):44-46. doi: 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.08.063

Boukharta L, Keranen H, Weinzinger A, Wallin G, De Groot B, Aqvist J. Computer simulations of structure-activity relationships for HERG channel blockers. Biochemistry. 2011;50(27):6146-6156. doi: 10.1021/bi200173n

Depil K, Beyl S, Weinzinger A, Hohaus A, Timin E, Hering S. Timothy mutation disrupts the link between activation and inactivation in Ca(V)1.2 protein. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2011;286(36):31557-31564. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M111.255273

Weinzinger A, Wacker SJ, Boukharta L, Zachariae U, Karimi-Nejad Y, Aqvist J et al. Toward a Consensus Model of the hERG Potassium Channel. ChemMedChem: chemistry enabling drug discovery. 2010;5(3):455-467. doi: 10.1002/cmdc.200900461

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Weinzinger, A.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung


Weinzinger, A.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

hERG K+ Channel activators

Weinzinger, A.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

Molekulare Arzneistoff-Targets

Hering, S., Ecker, G., Maulide, N., Weinzinger, A. & Gonzalez Herrero, L.


Projekt: Forschungsförderung

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